Top Criteria to Guide Your Choice of a New Hot Water System

When it comes to convenience, hot water systems are some of the top appliances that homeowners would not want to live without. Yet, this system is also one of the highest energy consumers in the home, more so if you are utilising an ineffective system. Perhaps the water heater is old, meaning it can no longer meet your household's capacity. On the other hand, the heater may be brand-new, but if it does not save energy, then you end up paying exorbitant electrical bills. Whatever the case, investing a new hot water system is imperative is you want to keep your carbon footprint minimal while enjoying energy savings. So how do you ensure that you are getting your money's worth? This article outlines the top criteria to guide your choice of a new hot water system.

What heating technique will be right for your home?

A common misassumption that some homeowners have regarding hot water systems is that they function solely on electricity, but this is not the case. There are different heating techniques that you can consider depending on your pre-existing infrastructure. Solar, for example, is a popular heating method and would make sense if you already have solar panels installed on your property. Another option that you can consider is natural gas heating. Take note, though, that while these heating techniques may have high upfront costs, they do end up saving you a substantial amount of money in the long run when compared to electricity, which may be cheap to acquire but expensive to operate.

Is a continuous flow of water or hot water storage ideal for your residence?

Admittedly, conventional hot water systems come with a storage receptacle. Hence, this is what a majority of homeowners are familiar with. However, over the years, tankless heating systems have become a popular alternative for some individuals due to the advantages that they offer. Since tankless water heaters ensure a continuous flow, it is a great investment for a large household that is susceptible to running out of hot water on busy mornings. Another advantage of tankless heaters is that you only use electricity as needed rather than having to heat an entire tank of water only for one person to take a shower.

What size of hot water system do you need?

If you choose to go with a storage water heater, it is crucial to establish the type of size that would be most ideal for your residence. If the hot water system's capacity is too small, it means that you and your loved ones will constantly be running out of hot water when it is most needed. Alternatively, if the system is too large, it will consume more energy than necessary, and this translates into exorbitant energy costs. 

About Me

Plumbing Solutions for Blocked Pipes

Hi, my name is Robert and this is my plumbing blog. Until last year, I didn't have a clue about plumbing or how to fix or unblock a pipe. All of that had to quickly change when I returned home to find my home flooded. To make matters worse, the flood water was coming from the bathroom and toilet. Thankfully, I managed to call in an emergency plumbing service who attended my home and fixed the problem with the pipe. They also explained that I had been flushing things down the toilet that shouldn't really be flushed. I have since educated myself about plumbing and I would like to share some tips here.



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